I sent an update to Valve for the GMod Beta. It should hopefully go live quite soon.
- Added texture/material/swep/sent/effect/gamemode auto refresh
- Updated workshop addons to support lzma compression
- Workshop addons are now saved in /addons/ (you will re-download them all)
- Fixed back and to the left player legs bug
- Fixed entity icons playing spawn sound twice
- Ignite can now set NPCs on fire
- Fixed crash when trying to `drive` jeep
- Fixed putting can into trashcan not working
- Fixed lock up if calling render.SetMaterial() with an invalid material
- Fixed “HTML” control creating legacy HTML controls instead of Awesomium controls
- html:SetHTML( str ) should now work
- Fixed files from addons sometimes not loading
- Added sv_sticktoground (stops players flying in the air when running up slopes)
- Fixed not being able to set some NPCs on fire
- Added HTML:UpdateHTMLTexture() - redraws the texture if needed (called automatically when painting - only needed when using the material)
- Datapack system no longer uses dua files
- Added numpad.Toggle( pl, num )
- Fixed not seeing sv_loadingurl until almost entering the server
- AddCSLuaFile now complains if it can’t find the file
- If AddCSLuaFile is called with no string - it adds current file
- Better “Lua Error Dump!” errors
- Better “Lua Stack Leak!” errors
- WorldSound now takes 5th parameter ‘volume’ - a float 0-1
There were some big internal changes in this update. So a lot of stuff could potentially break and needs testing - so I’ll be keeping an eye on the forums for your bug reports.
The biggest change was the removal of datapack. To the end user this means that it won’t download the .dua file when entering a server. Server operators no longer need to fumble around and try to upload the dua file to their website to enable fastdl. It’s gone. The downside is that you have to download a few more kilobytes when entering a server. We’ll see how it goes.
The second biggest is the addition of auto loading. If you edit a texture outside the game - the changes will be detected and auto reloaded in game.
This works with Lua too. So if you change an entity’s lua files outside of the game, press save - bam - they’re reloaded in game. You don’t need to do lua_reloadents or any of that rubbish. A bit of a bonus too - this should work in multiplayer. So the server admin can be developing their gamemode/ent/swep etc and the clients will get and reload the changes live.
I will be adding a convar for this - but right now there’s no way to turn it off. So enjoy!