Combine T Wagon was my first creation, used to prop kill with it on sandbox servers many years ago.

Honestly, I don’t know why I chose to upload it (it is terrible). I do remember being on
gm_bigcity and considering it. My reasoning was: "Fuck it, other people publish things, why not?"
The Combine set of props was great to use, because they all match each other. There is a variety of different shapes and sizes, but there aren’t that many, so every time I had an idea I had to think 'how do I realise this with what I’ve got?' The idea of the Combine space fleet was very interesting to me (whether required in the canon or not). Many of the ships that I created were my attempt at visualising what they might look like.
Combine Deep Space Vessel
Combine Dreadnaught
Combine Harambe-class Destroyer

In the Combine Raider series, I was imagining that many years ago an apocalyptic event had destroyed civilisation and the Combine portal, stranding them on Earth. The humans and Combine continue to fight, using makeshift vehicles built with scavenged parts.