Fixed errors when calling Setup() without second argument on DProperty_Float and DProperty_Int
Fixed deriving from DDragBase requiring to define OnModified
Fixed Panel.InvalidateChildren being always recursive
Fixed Panel.NewAnimation ease values 0-1 being weird
Fixed calling SetAllowWeaponsInVehicle( false ) in PlayerLeaveVehicle hook breaking weapon selection
Fixed DBinder not working when its convar is set to NaN
Fixed DBinder overriding SetSelected( bool )
Fixed util.GetModelInfo crashing with empty string
Fixed a crash issue with Weapon functions
Fixed NeedsDepthPass not working for addons
Fixed string.Comma with very large numbers
NextBot.GetRangeSquaredTo now actually works the way it's intended to, by returning squared range
Updated most render library functions to not lock up when a Lua type error occurs during function execution
Prevent potential stack overflows in scripted_ents.Get
Fixed the utf8 library failing with certain UTF8 strings