Fixed the game refreshing gamemode and map lists for menus multiple times while loading onto a map or disconnecting, remounting addons or changing gamemode
Fixed subscribing to addons while in game remounting addons more than once
Fixed memory sizes being displayed incorrectly in certain places with large values
Prevent spawnicons with sizes 33-63 from saving "_64" versions of the spawnicons, now uses the default 64x64 image without any suffix like it should
Properly remove unmounted (.gma) addon files from internal map so when something tries to access them we don't crash
Fixed models loaded by ClientsideModel() or similar methods losing their modelbounds data on map disconnect due to them being reloaded (for now, we don't reload such models)
Fixed gui.EnableScreenClicker()'s internal panel showing up after a screen resolution change while it is active
Fixes for potential crash issues when handling Lua entities in C++
Fixed server browser blacklist being case sensitive
Missing the weapons/scripted_ents.Get function at entity creation no longer exits the game (For example when it's only missing clientside)
Let people know that -authkey is no longer needed in the srcds console if it is still in the srcds launch options
Fixed GameContentChanged hook running 3 times in a row in menu state
Fixed first file embedded in the BSP not being decompressed when needed
Fixed the default screen resolution selection so it should now select the desktop resolution
Added a nullptr check when generating the error texture to prevent crashes
Fixed PlayerWeaponColor material proxy hack for Super Grav Gun for cases where people override the default gravity gun (Community Contribution)
SteamAPI errors on non first page of Dupes/Saves/Addons/Demos will not hide the pagination so you can go back to the cached pages
Fixed a potential issue with Workshop Subscriptions not properly marking files as downloaded
Fixed deleting npc_manhack's sprites causing a crash when its deleted sprites are accessed by the NPC code
Fixed ErrorNoHalt not being considered a menu state error when it was called in the menu state
Fixed a bug with VPK file searching that would result in garbage data in file.Find
Fixed potential clientside crashes with ragdolls
Potential workaround for "SV_CreatePacketEntities: GetEntServerClass failed for ent 1." error message and crash when disconnecting from a listen server as a host while it is not empty