sound.Generate now flushes its cache on level shutdown (And also with snd_restart)
Fixed dedicated server crashing when trying to reference invalid SteamAPI pointers after using the map console command, such as the HTTP functions
Fixed sounds not working correctly (playing everywhere) with clientside only entities: Footstep sounds, _G.CreateSound, Entity.EmitSound, Entity.StopSound, Entity.StartLoopingSound
Fixed ClientsideRagdoll crashing if called too early
CSpawnIcon::RebuildIcon(Ex) now clears the cached spawnicon material like it did before (so the spawnicon appears in its “loading” state again)
Fixed Entity.FollowBone glitching around clientside in certain cases
Fixed srcds workshop addons missing some fields in engine.GetAddons()
SteamID functions return the correct(-ish, the steam universe is hardcoded to "Public" one) value in singleplayer for the player serverside (It was already correct on client)
Fixed GetTouchTrace() crashing the game when the entity in the cached trace result no longer exists
render.RenderView now resets the "ShouldDrawLocalPlayer" cache, allowing the hook to be called again for those renders, fixing ShouldDrawLocalPlayer not working properly with multiple renders within a frame.
Prevent weld constraint assigning a global variable with the last created weld (Community Contribution)
Fixed performance discrepancy of Entity:GetMaterials() between different models
Fixed GM:PlayerLeaveVehicle not being called when the player is forced into a vehicle while being in a different vehicle
Entity.SetAngles properly sets angles on jeeps, they no longer snap back to old angles
Fixed some entities (such as props) reporting "took damage" as false in PostEntityTakeDamage when they are killed
Fixed some constraint library functions (such as HasConstraints, GetAllConstrainedEntities, etc) not functioning with the world entity
Fixed gmsave library (Spawnmenu save system) not saving constraints that are attached to the world entity on both ends (such as ropes)
Fixed duplicator library's Min/Max calculations for dupes