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  • Added extra info to "version" console command to help debug issues


  • Replaced usage of "Physgun" and "Physcannon" with "Gravity Gun" in the .fgd files used by Hammer to avoid confusion between GMod's Physics Gun and the Gravity Gun
  • Replaced "Bad field in entity!!" console warning with a far more descriptive one
  • Move "CreateFragmentsFromFile: '%s' doesn't exist." to developer 1
  • A less error prone random walk location for the example Nextbot NPC
  • Thruster entity properly frees it's particle emitters
  • Allow all "anim" type SENTs to automagically calculate their default rendergroup (unless overwritten)
  • Replaced usage of WM_ACTIVATEAPP with WM_ACTIVATE due to a possible Windows bug to hopefully fix system.HasFocus returning wrong value when the game was minimized by clicking on it in the taskbar
  • Reload language files for addons just before Lua gets initialized, instead of just after
  • Added MaxHealth to NPCs that did not have it set
  • DMenuOption text offset is now the same whether it has an icon or not
  • prop_ragdoll no longer resets its collision group if it was set before Spawn(), unless SF_RAGDOLLPROP_DEBRIS is set


  • Fixed console de-duplicating empty strings and text less than 10 characters long
  • Fixed IP blacklist sometimes affecting wrong servers
  • Fixed self crash with "ent_info worldspawn" console command
  • Fixed bad direct calls to PerformLayout() on built-in panels
  • point_message entity works in multiplayer for the listen server host
  • Added safeguard to CMDLCache::GetStudioHdr from CSGO for an "unknown cause" crash
  • Fixed gestures playing at 2x the speed on Nextbot NPCs
  • Dedicated servers properly go into hibernation once all players have disconnected (Use sv_hibernate_think 1 to avoid)
  • Potentially fixed playing viewmodel animations from the server only not updating them on client properly in multiplayer
  • +use picking up props no longer bails with sv_turbophysics set to 1
  • Fixed Hammer Editor crashing with model heavy maps
  • Fixed potential crashes when hitting entity limit and trying to create flex/bone manipulators
  • Fixed BSP brush models after 999 not working on maps
  • Trying to render out of bounds texture frames no longer crashes the game
  • Restored SF_COMBINE_NO_AR2DROP ep2 spawnflag for npc_combine_s
  • Potentially fixed a crash issue with RichText
  • Fixed a dozen crashes with Half-Life 2 weapons when the server has hit the serverside entity limit
  • Fixed certain ammo items in Hammer Editor having error models
  • Lua Auto-refresh no longer breaks spawnlist saving/reverting
  • Fixed self becoming NULL for Lua Effects when clientside entity limit is reached
  • Fixed NPCData.Weapons (Spawnmenu NPCs) not being counted as valid weapons, causing NPCs like Fisherman from Lost Coast not being able to spawn with his signature weapon
  • Fixed super tiny or 0-length slider and rope constraints causing crazy physics on props and causing potential crashes


  • Removed "dropprimary" console command
  • Removed the "Couldn't find surface in GetColorForSurface()" message
  • Removed a bunch of unused variables and merged double if statements across the sandbox gamemode (Community Contribution)