Fixed right clicking or middle mouse clicking on text entries in spawnmenu forcing the spawnmenu to stay hanging unable to be closed with Q
Fixed not being able to +use pickup hl2 grenades
Fixed not being able to +use pickup weapons (as in, physics pickup)
Weapons no longer disappear when you pick up 0 ammo from them with gmod_ammo 0
Fixed Half-Life 2 credits not working
Don't count "no workshop id" as a workshop id for server browser gamemode list, potentially hiding the install gamemode button
Fixed not being able to send large dupes (arm them) to server while being able to download large dupes from server. Dupe anti spam is now per-player on server and also exists on client.
Fixed Gravity Gun leaving held prop stuck mid air on client when the Gravity Gun is switched away too quickly
physcannon_mega_enabled now works as expected
Fixed Gravity Gun launch/punt effects coming from the wrong place in 3rd person for local player
Fixed "Cleanup Scripted Weapons" button only cleaning up Scripted Entities and not Weapons (now does both), Added missing translation for "#Cleaned_Sents"
Resizing spawnmenu Dupes/Saves tabs now properly updates the icons to fit within the new size
Players are no longer in the sit animation in 3rd person when exiting vehicles
Fixed Lamp/Light tool effects not rendering
Fixed Thruster not working at all if it was turned on while frozen by the Physics Gun
Fixed being able to "store an attack" using the Fists SWEP by switching away after pressing LMB and before the attack is performed
Fixed entering a vehicle while crouched saving and restoring the crouched view offset when exiting the vehicle even though the player is forced to un-crouch
Properly align checkbox labels in New Game settings
Partially resolve explosive barrels exploding when catching them and lightly touching ground after throwing