Hammer: Display Raytraced preview in the 3d view when it finishes rendering
Do not autofocus a panel with SetTabPosition( 1 ), preventing ability to unfocus all text fields
Translate SDK_ shaders to their non SDK_ variants
You can no longer shoot when clicking on empty space around a modal panel
Reset viewmodel skin, bodygroups and pose parameters when the active weapon changes
Dedicated Server Workshop: More descriptive error message when Steam failed to download an addon
Clientside gravity gun object detachment when a serverside weapon switch happens also destroys the clientside physics object the Gravity Gun creates just like dropping/punting the object does
Moved "Edit Instance" button to not cover the input/output icons in Hammer (All 3 also behave better when resizing the window)
Studio models now initialize their contents when creating a physics object
Cleaned up duplicate collision group rules
Changed error string for k_EResultBanned to not scare players. Used to say "VAC Banned", which is inaccurate
Added position to buildcubemaps console messages for debugging
Added additional info to "MaterialSystem: Out of memory in render data!" warning
Updated bass.dll (mp3free) to 2.4.15
Do not try to precache Half-Life 1 models/materials and Half-Life 2: Lost Coast harpoon on map load, for cases when those games are not even mounted
Serverside gibs now also inherit RenderMode and RenderFX
Changed "Model Warning: [%s] might be invalid! " warning to a more descriptive "Warning! '%s' animation requested bone %i, but model only has %i!"
More anti lag safeguards for ArmDupe net message
env_sprite_clientside can be animated now
Updated language files
Added extra info to "Failed to lock vertex buffer in CMeshDX8::LockVertexBuffer" error
Sandbox entities no longer draw their world tip/outline when the entity is set to not draw (Community Contribution)
Improved error handling of dedicated server workshop support
Hammer: Added HammerID to the "solid with X faces" and "group of X objects" descriptions for easier distinguishing/debugging
Hammer: Disallowed object groups (CMapGroup) to be hidden by the visgroup system - the objects themselves are hidden not the CMapGroup. Fixes "orphaned objects" warning
Hammer: Adjusted visgroup validation to allow solids be a child of an object group regardless of format version. Prevents those solids on old .vmfs from losing their visgroup
Hammer: Increased amount of recent files to 10, from 4
Updated Steamworks SDK to v1.50
Added FCVAR_USERINFO flag to gmod_language cvar
Decoupled sound.PlayURL/File's threads from server's tickrate, reducing the delay between function call and start of playback
Changed translation of base_ai class from "AI" to "Base SNPC"
Adjusted the message "C_PhysPropClientside::Initialize: PhysModelParseSolid failed for entity X" to include the model name for debugging
Added error messages when failing to allocate memory for model anim blocks