Fixed an issue with timer.Create and timer.Adjust
Fixed a crash issue with npc_turret_floor
Fixed bullet hit detection issue introduced by previous update
Fixed a potential physics crash issue
Fixed a crash problem with all PhysObj functions when called on invalid PhysObj
Fixed PHX glass panels igniting when shot
Fixed a PHX material (zc_tube.vmt) having bad symbols
Fixed models/noesis/donut.mdl erroring to console when spawned
Fixed a crash problem with NPC player companions
Fixed func_tank custom ammo types ( Fixes Episode 2 Auto Turret )
Fixed npc_strider not dealing damage with his fast minigun attack
Fixed server workshop downloads persisting after disconnecting from a server while downloading server workshop addons and connecting to another
Fixed Custom Bullet Tracers not applying in some cases
Fixed collision box for all weapons not being rotated properly
Fixed Weapons with SF_WEAPON_START_CONSTRAINED spawnflag not being constrained
Fixed debugoverlay.BoxAngles 6th parameter (color)
Fixed SWEPs not being fired by some NPCs
Fixed the "Setting Holdtype to empty string" problem
Fixed SetPos and SetAngles crashing with math.huge and tonumber("nan")