Fixed some minor memory leaks - These are mostly in developer features to do with KeyValues, not normal gameplay
Initialize m_rgflCoordinateFrame on creation clientside - This fixes certain matrices being nulled out when they are not supposed to, such as when calculating prop_vehicle_choreo_generic look angles
Allow loading PCF version 2 in -tools Particle Editor
Fixed many, many potential crashes with the particle system
Fixed missing materials with legacy Ash precipitation type
Fixed 2 "Parent cvar in server.dll not allowed" warnings on client start up
Do not print cc_lang = with developer 1
Fixed "Not playing a local game" being printed on game start up
Fixed some warnings on map load when Portal 1 or Half-Life Source are not mounted
Fixed crashes with func_tank
Fixed crash when ents.CreateClientProp is given an empty string
Fixed logic_collision_pair and some other obscure entities not calling GM:EntityRemoved
Remove NULL entities from Entity.Constraints table when associated constraints are removed
* Fixes for tanktrain_ai
* Fixed sound playback and updated default sounds to existing files
* Added "Chase Target" key value
* Added missing "Target Entity" input to the FGD
* Fixed movement direction selection & movement speed
* !player target will update to the closest player before every move
* Change update rate while moving to 0.1s (from 0.5)
Updated RPG viewmodel to use correct muzzle flash event and prevent console warning when firing
Fixed a server crash exploit to do with malicious packets
Fixed bone manipulations (scale, position) being transformed by how much the player moved on level transition
Fixed which entity is the inflictor/weapon in CTakeDamageInfo when firing built-in C++ weapons, including when NPCs fire them, as well as trigger_WateryDeath.
Fixed small potential memory leak with creating Lua bone followers
Fixed a small memory leak in gamemode .txt file parsing
Fixed a small memory leak with saving presets (presets library)
Fixed "Bad SetLocalOrigin on gmod_hands" warnings (Community Contribution)
Prevent .ani files from loading if they would crash the game i.e. if the .ani file is smaller than the model expects it to be
Update jQuery version and reduce reliance on it in main menu, as well as lazy load images (Community Contribution)
Do not crash with "bad inline model number", show a console warning instead
Fixed bone manipulated entities' render bounding box being set to invalid sizes with certain models
Fixed "Toggle" input on some triggers improperly toggling the entity
Fixed console warning about missing material when opening Options menu
Fixed max player speed not being set when trying to slow walk with +walk but slow walk is disabled via Player:SetCanWalk
Do not unexpectedly reduce maximum health on dead entities
Play act console command animations on the server as well (for hitboxes)
Fixed a stack overflow in TextEntry scrolling
Fixed a rare crash when net_showmsg console variable is in use
"Fixed" an infinite loop in memory allocation by exiting the engine/tool with a nice message
Prevent developer only messages about bone access not being allowed with util.DecalEx in multiplayer
Fixed MP3s recaching 2 times in a row sometimes for no reason
Fixed cache size not being able to exceed 65kb per item
Make MP3s skip the ID3 data immediately on cache, not on first playback. This makes loading a bit slower per-file, but makes it so we don't need to cache upwards of 400KB of unused data per MP3 for playback without hanging the game
Increased amount of cached data for MP3s to satiate initial burst of data access by BASS.DLL (from 16K to 96k) This was preventing asynchronous load of the entire file
Fixed SWEP.ViewModelFlip making view model sway backwards
Fixed scrollbar parent resizing not adjusting scrollbar grip position (Lua scrollbar panels)
Fixed CRopeKeyframe having huge serverside bounds when not attached to anything, such as being the last entity in a series
Fixed trigger_remove OnRemove output not working at all
Made cmd console command not kick people (And hide it)
Fixed .gma files being left open in some cases if they failed to load/parse
Prevent potential crashes to do with traces on models
Materials using the SpriteCard shader can now render correctly with render_sprite_trail particle renderer
Mitigate invalid vehicle scripts causing server crashes
Fixed player_squad NPC squad being overflown when spawning too many npc_alyx or npc_citizen entities
Fixed spawnmenu NPC squads being overflown when spawning many NPCs in the same faction at once
Fixed infinite loop with removing world decals
Fixed input parameter type for prop_ragdoll's StartRagdollBoogie input
Fixed out of bounds pose parameters sometimes getting garbage values
Fixed a crash in trace code that could happen after a changelevel