Fixed physgun constantly trying to drop and grab a prop its owner is currently standing on
Fixed ammo box not working on the HL2 jeep
Fixed HL1 prop_breakable gibs not spawning
Fixed incorrect model for HL1 barnacles
Fixed HL1 grunts not dropping the right items when killed
Fixed HL1 sentences not being loaded
Fixed MsgC ignoring first argument if it's not a color
Fixed bone merging causing the local player to be rendered twice
Fixed an exploit related to running console commands through the chat
Fixed crash issues with Player:Kick and Player:Ban
Fixed slight rendering artefacts when drawing rounded boxes at low alpha
Fixed scripted weapons not working correctly with the baseclass system
Fixed scenes not always being properly loaded from VCD files
Fixed secondary ammo indicator not showing up on the default HUD
Fixed HUD pickup notifications occasionally causing errors before the local player becomes valid
Fixed func_tank not turning and not firing tracers in multiplayer
Fixed clients attempting to fire their active weapon while holding a prop or controlling a turret
Fixed DTVars transmitting way more data than needed when updated
Fixed dynamic AI node links causing some HL2 maps to crash after a cleanup
Fixed gmad and gmpublish not being shipped for OS X and Linux
Fixed file.Find returning non Lua files in the directories table when used with the LUA path
Fixed NPC kill achievements not working
Fixed broken eye flexes and NPC blinking
Fixed sounds not playing at all when close captioning is enabled
Fixed lag compensation causing players to drift away from the vehicle they are driving
Fixed materials/gm_construct/grass-sand.vmt $surfaceprop2
Fixed some addons not being able to be extracted.
Fixed a save file issue with CSoundPatch
Fixed another exploit related to downloading restricted files from the server
Fixed plugin_load not loading plugins if no file extension is given
Fixed not being able to change the render cull mode on entities bonemerged to viewmodels
Fixed a problem with SWEP.ViewModelFlip and player model hands
Fixed net.ReadUInt not using unsigned integers
Fixed Hammer crashing on start up
Fixed gamemodes not loading properly from legacy addons
Fixed SetupWorldFog & SetupSkyboxFog not being called if the fog was not enabled beforehand by console commands or the map
Fixed IsOnFire flag not resetting
Fixed FOV being stuck on some HL2 maps
Fixed Combine Autogun on ep2_outland_09 not dealing damage
Fixed physgun beam not being removed on drop
Fixed server workshop addons redownloading even if user is already subscribed to that addon
Fixed GM:StartChat return value leaving chat visible on super widescreen resolutions
Fixed a crash issue with Entity:SetBodygroup and Player:ExitVehicle
Fixed Entity:AddCallback( "PhysicsCollide", ... ) for vehicles not being triggered without a driver
Fixed a Lua state corruption issue which caused some functions to randomly disappear
Fixed Entity:GetHitBoxCount crashing the game when called with an invalid value