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schedule 19 December 2016

December 2016 Update

Bug fixes, server browser improvements, and more.

A new update has been released! This time around we've mostly got bug fixes, but also some changes to the server browser. The update will be automatically downloaded through Steam when you restart your game. All servers will need to be updated before you can play on them.


  • Entity.GetFlexIDByName
  • Player.SimulateGravGunPickup
  • Player.GetPreferredCarryAngles
  • Added ITexture.__tostring


  • GetConVar moved from C to Lua, results are now cached
  • IMaterial.__tostring now acts more similarly to other __tostring metamethods in the game


  • game.CleanUpMap no longer crashes when called too early on maps containg AI nodes
  • game.GetTimeScale/game.GetSkillLevel now return nothing when called too early
  • Entity.GetPoseParameterName no longer crashes when given an invalid input
  • RunConsoleCommand's error message now ends with a new-line when trying to run a blocked command
  • render.PopFilterMag/render.PopFilterMin now properly apply changes when the filter stack is emptied
  • render.Pop* functions no longer crash the game when over-popping


  • Added '-nogammarmap' command-line parameter. This will disable the game's built in gamma correction and use your system's settings
  • Hunter helicopters now perform behaviour from Half-Life 2: EP1 and EP2


  • Server browser now shows more servers and ranks them slightly differently
  • Burning props no longer have their gibs ignited on destruction. This was causing some performance issues
  • Disabled the VGUI hotkey system (freaky internal behaviour that made ampersands work weirdly)
  • Improved error messages when failing to initialize the Steam API
  • Updated resource/HALFLIFE2.ttf
  • Re-enabled some fixes for d1_trainstation_05/ep2_outland_01 plug sockets
  • Improved performance of voice-chat mouth movement animations
  • Improved performance of traces (traces that have a function as their filter no longer have the filter called way too many times)
  • Improved performance when checking if entities have a RenderOverride method


  • Fixed some animations not looping (e.g. noclip animation)
  • Game no longer crashes when applying decals to models with a high amount of polygons
  • Fixed buggy behaviour when a player dies whilst climbing a ladder
  • Fixed crash that occured when printing some characters to the console when Windows is set to use certain non-english languages
  • Game no longer attempts to load vaudio_miles module. This caused issues for some people who had weird installations of the Source SDK on their system


  • Improved error messages when trying to create addons