This update brings a bunch of additions, improvements and fixes to the Lua API for developers to take advantage of as usual, but also adds a few new features for players, some of which are long overdue.
Add to favorites button
This update adds a "Add current server to Favorites" button to the main menu that will appear on the bottom at all times when you are on a server.
Faceposer changes
There were a few major updates to Faceposer this update. Highlights include a new quick filter feature:
Right clicking models no longer breaks their faces, and same goes for the Clear preset.
And you can now middle mouse click (mouse wheel click) on slider knobs to reset their values to defaults.
Other improvements
There are also a few improvements to the Half-Life campaigns.
Fixes towards Half-Life Source enemies, such as Tentacle monsters not dealing damage and scientists not having their proper skins in the Half-Life Source intro levels, as well as a fix for when entering a loading screen in a vehicle in Half-Life 2 campaign would make you invisible to NPCs.
And a few changes to the 3rd person animations:
Switching weapons now will cancel any reload animations currently playing, and crouching in third person better represents view movement in first person.