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Changes Header


What’s changed in Garry's Mod in each patch.



  • Added VMatrix.__unm (negate operator)


  • Prevent display of concommands in gamemode settings
  • Defer gamemode loading until all other components are loaded


  • Added missing snow footstep sound fallbacks
  • Fixed npc_(template_)maker crashing the server when spawning non NPC entities
  • Do not run OnRequestFullUpdate outside of main thread to prevent server crashes


  • Removed Global.HTTP DNS lookups as they were causing too many issues


  • ents.GetMapCreatedEntity is now shared


  • DListView now ignores invisible lines (Community Contribution)
  • Steam Voice Settings button now opens Steam Settings in overlay, since old Steam UI was deleted by a Steam UI update
  • Increased .vtx file size limit for studiomdl.exe, and added safeguards against crashing when the limit is hit
  • Added voice_recordtofile to blocked concommand list
  • DNS lookup Global.HTTP URLs before sending the requests
  • poster command now works correctly with cl_leveloverview enabled
  • TTT: Made Poltergeist weapon range easier to override (Community Contribution)
  • Potential improvement to 64x64 cubemap quality when building map cubemaps (Community Contribution)


  • Fixed a crash issue when loading certain particle files
  • Fixed skill configs not applying in time for singleplayer, resulting in NPCs not having health set, etc
  • Fixed metropolice NPC crashing when its target is removed during a weapon burst fire
  • Fixed a regression with halo/outline rendering
  • Fixed up ToS/Privacy Policy links on Options menu
  • TTT: Fixed notification sound cue and make it toggleable (Community Contribution)


  • Fixed a crash related to rendering static props
  • Case insensitive search for singleplayer files
  • Fixed addons breaking properties system clientside
  • Fixed a server crash when maxplayers is set in server.cfg and the command line
  • Made Combine Gunship aim at player's center so it can actually hit players
  • Fixed Combine APC bullet tracer coming from the wrong attachment
  • Fixed combine APC rockets going over player's head with certain hold types
  • Fixed a crash with DMX unserializer when external references are used


  • Added ability to invert colors in Colour Modify in spawnmenu


  • Experimental: Completely removed Lua file limit for singleplayer
  • Game binaries are now code signed on windows
  • Better names for Texturize shader options in spawnmenu (Community Contribution)
  • Delete materials/temp/ and sounds/temp/ folders on game launch and shutdown
  • Added gmod_delete_temp_files, defaults to 1, which controls the behavior above
  • Refresh main menu subscription lists (addons, dupes, etc) if they are open when subscriptions change


  • Create a world entity for naughty maps that are engineered to crash on load by not spawning the worldspawn entity
  • Fixed a crash when deleting npc_manhack too early
  • Batch server Workshop download queries to 50 addons at a time, which should fix addons past 100 not loading when joining servers
  • Fixed "Join Game" feature not working due to recent Steam update


  • Added Half-Life: Source difficulty configuration files
  • Added filter_activator_context and filter_activator_model entities
  • Changing skill level with Lua or the convar also runs/loads the appropriate skill config files
  • Added full support for Static Prop Lightmaps
  • Added $phong, $envmapLightScale and $envmapLightScaleMinMax parameter support for LightmappedGeneric shader
  • Added $phongAlbedoBoost parameter to VertexLitGeneric shader
  • Added $phongDisableHalfLambert parameter to VertexLitGeneric shader
  • Added $pp_colour_inv to g_colourmodify shader
  • Added $envmapsphere parameter to VertexLitGeneric, which restores how Half-Life: Source chrome materials render
  • Added input/output descriptions to "Entity Properties" window in Hammer
  • Added prop_sphere to Hammer and added radius keyvalue to it
  • Added func_friction to Hammer
  • Added 6 new inputs to all entities - SetLocalOrigin, SetLocalAngles, DisableDraw, EnableDraw, DisableReceivingFlashlight, EnableReceivingFlashlight
  • Added "Disable flashlight" keyvalue to all entities in Hammer
  • Added new inputs to func_tracktrain - SetMaxSpeed, MoveToPathNode, TeleportToPathNode, LockOrientation, UnlockOrientation
  • Added new output to func_tracktrain - OnArrivedAtDestinationNode
  • Added the following particle initializers - Position Along Ring, Position Along Epitrochoid, Position Modify Place On Ground, Position From Chaotic Attractor, Scalar Random, Vector Random, Vector Component Random, Set Hitbox to Closest Hitbox, Set Hitbox Position on Model, Velocity Set from Control Point, Remap Particle Count to Scalar
  • Added the following particle operators - Remap Direction to CP to Vector
  • Added the following global particle attributes - screen space effect, normal, Visibility input dot min/max, Visibility input distance min/max
  • Added "render models" particle renderer
  • Added "hitbox" and "hitbox set" parameters to - Movement Lock to Bone (operator), Cull relative to model (operator), as well as Position on Model Random (initializer) whose "hitbox scale" is now "model hitbox scale"


  • Do not set PANEL.ClassName in vgui.CreateFromTable to a missing variable (Community Contribution)
  • Minor tweaks to cvars library internals (Community Contribution)
  • Increased view model networking limitations, notably bodygroup combinations
  • Editable Entities editing now uses net.WriteEntity, not a 32bit net.WriteUInt (Community Contribution)
  • Doubled particle precache limit


  • Fixed "last known CNavArea" not updating for players, which is used by some internal nextbot functionality, and some navmesh editing functionality
  • Potential fix for sv_parallel_sendsnapshot and sv_parallel_packentities crashing the server randomly
  • Spawnmenu search properly invalid input from addons, instead of erroring
  • Workaround fix for "../data/whatever" Material paths not working on Linux when garrysmod/materials/ folder is missing
  • Fixed gmpublish on Linux not working out of the box
  • Fixed Particle Editor Model Picker not applying picked model
  • Fixed certain NPCs that create entities crashing when the server is at the entity limit
  • Prevent Lua errors in Sandbox tools & constraint library when the server is at the entity limit
  • removeid concommand now works as expected with RunConsoleCommand
  • Fixed toggle_duck console command in multiplayer