Garry's Mod Logo
Changes Header


What’s changed in Garry's Mod in each patch.



  • Added simple drag'n'drop support
  • Added proper help message


  • The "out" path is now automatically calculated for both "extract" and "create" actions, if not overridden manually
  • Updated whitelist


  • Removed triple output of addon files so now it only does so once


  • Added ability to update icon of an addon
  • Added additional "remove file" calls to make sure (hopefully) nothing ends up stuck in the Cloud on fail


  • Updated help message


  • Added portuguese (Brazilian) language
  • Added TTTEquipmentTabs hook
  • Added SWEP.IconLetter to TTT SWEPs


  • Updated traitor shop to be bigger by default
  • Make disabling parts of the HUD easier
  • Radar improvements
  • Efficiency in DmgToText and DmgToMat


  • Fixed names not always updating if it is changed during speaking.
  • Fixed error sometimes breaking the gamemode
  • Fixed crowbar emitting wrong sounds/effects on hit
  • Fixed ttt_detective_karma_min not working


  • Removed useless global function "Warning"


  • Added net.ReadBool and net.WriteBool
  • Added Combo control for DProperties
  • Added math.Truncate( num, idp )


  • PrintTable now sorts its keys
  • Got rid of unnecessary global PANEL vars.
  • Improved Halo rendering
  • Optimized string.Trim, TrimLeft, TrimRight
  • Proper JavaScript escaping
  • Allowed closing of notifications by clicking on them
  • Escaped map names
  • Numerous updates to DListView
  • Numerous updates to DComboBox
  • Improved pattern (and JavaScript) escaping
  • Updated string.lua
  • Made cookie module shared
  • Made IsEnemy/FriendlyEntityName more efficient
  • Change how RoundedBoxEx renders corners to fix 3D2D appearence
  • Minor toolgun screen text changes


  • Fixed GWEN TextureBorder typo
  • Fixed two minor errors
  • Fixed possible errors with SafeRemoveEntity/SafeRemoveEntityDelayed
  • Fixed multiple line breaks in a row not appearing properly in draw.DrawText
  • Fixed players getting killed if spawnpoint is too close to world origin
  • Fixed Lua injection
  • Fixed STNDRD
  • Fixed bug with TriggerOutput for SENTs
  • Fixed Sandbox prop driving prediction


  • Removed effects.halo.Add for good
  • Removed unnecessary argument from net.ReadType handler
  • Removed AccessorNWFunc


  • PhysicsCollide
  • EFFECT:PhysicsCollide
  • SND_
  • Entity:IsSolid
  • AvatarImage
  • Entity:UseTriggerBounds
  • Added missing CS:GO icon
  • Added a bunch of requested headers to HTTP request results
  • MAT_
  • chat.GetChatBoxSize
  • Entity:SetSubMaterial
  • Entity:GetSubMaterial
  • render.MaterialOverrideByIndex
  • Added a HudDefault font for HL2 HUD elements
  • GM:EntityNetworkedVarChanged
  • render.SetLocalModelLights
  • Entity:SetNWVarProxy
  • Added map & model compiling tools
  • Added Blade Symphony to the mountable game list
  • Added English closed captions for HL2, EP1, EP2 and Portal


  • Improved text rendering on OSX
  • Moved CSS muzzle flashes to Lua
  • gui.OpenURL now accepts HTTPS addresses
  • Restored preset saving
  • Renamed Zeno Clash to Zeno Clash (Model Pack) in the mountable game list
  • Renamed Insurgency to "Insurgency ( Source Mod )" in mountable games list
  • PhysicsCollide
  • EntityEmitSound
  • CNavArea:IsOverlapping
  • CNavArea:IsVisible
  • CSoundPatch:ChangePitch
  • Player:Ban
  • HTTP
  • CLuaEmitter:Add
  • Updated CS:S world and C_ view models
  • Disabled autoplay sequences on ragdoll entities
  • Improved exploit prevention on incrementvar and multvar
  • Updated default Derma skin ( Changed DComboBox hover arrow )
  • Updated most valve game icons in spawnmenu to reflect the actual icons
  • serverlist.Query
  • Mesh
  • Adjusted addon file extension whitelist
  • file.Delete can now delete empty directories
  • Updated launcher(hl2.exe) icon
  • Reduced maximum DTVar count to 32
  • NWVars have been greatly improved and are now a viable alternative to DTVars
  • Updated most default spawnicons
  • Moved garrysmod.fgd to GarrysMod/bin
  • hlfaceposer.exe now runs properly
  • Restored Closed Captions
  • Users now automatically unsubscribe from Demos, Saves & Dupes
  • Improved serverside performance of Player.UniqueID
  • Player.UniqueID now returns 1 in singleplayer on client too
  • Improved performance of server workshop addons when extracting the addon
  • Prevented people from putting fake servers to server list
  • Blocked more console commands/variables to prevent servers from running potentially harmful commands on clients
  • Changed VERSIONSTR global to YYYY.MM.DD to avoid confusion


  • Fixed physgun constantly trying to drop and grab a prop its owner is currently standing on
  • Fixed ammo box not working on the HL2 jeep
  • Fixed HL1 prop_breakable gibs not spawning
  • Fixed incorrect model for HL1 barnacles
  • Fixed HL1 grunts not dropping the right items when killed
  • Fixed HL1 sentences not being loaded
  • Fixed MsgC ignoring first argument if it's not a color
  • Fixed bone merging causing the local player to be rendered twice
  • CNavArea:GetClosestPointOnArea
  • Fixed an exploit related to running console commands through the chat
  • Fixed crash issues with Player:Kick and Player:Ban
  • Fixed slight rendering artefacts when drawing rounded boxes at low alpha
  • Fixed scripted weapons not working correctly with the baseclass system
  • Fixed scenes not always being properly loaded from VCD files
  • Fixed secondary ammo indicator not showing up on the default HUD
  • Fixed HUD pickup notifications occasionally causing errors before the local player becomes valid
  • Fixed func_tank not turning and not firing tracers in multiplayer
  • Fixed clients attempting to fire their active weapon while holding a prop or controlling a turret
  • CLuaParticle:SetNextThink
  • Fixed DTVars transmitting way more data than needed when updated
  • Fixed dynamic AI node links causing some HL2 maps to crash after a cleanup
  • Fixed gmad and gmpublish not being shipped for OS X and Linux
  • AvatarImage
  • Fixed file.Find returning non Lua files in the directories table when used with the LUA path
  • Entity:SetCustomCollisionCheck
  • Fixed NPC kill achievements not working
  • Fixed broken eye flexes and NPC blinking
  • Fixed sounds not playing at all when close captioning is enabled
  • Fixed lag compensation causing players to drift away from the vehicle they are driving
  • Player:KillSilent
  • util.IsValidModel
  • Fixed materials/gm_construct/grass-sand.vmt $surfaceprop2
  • Fixed some addons not being able to be extracted.
  • Fixed a save file issue with CSoundPatch
  • Fixed another exploit related to downloading restricted files from the server
  • Fixed plugin_load not loading plugins if no file extension is given
  • Fixed not being able to change the render cull mode on entities bonemerged to viewmodels
  • Fixed a problem with SWEP.ViewModelFlip and player model hands
  • Fixed net.ReadUInt not using unsigned integers
  • Fixed Hammer crashing on start up
  • Fixed gamemodes not loading properly from legacy addons
  • Fixed SetupWorldFog & SetupSkyboxFog not being called if the fog was not enabled beforehand by console commands or the map
  • Fixed IsOnFire flag not resetting
  • Fixed FOV being stuck on some HL2 maps
  • Fixed Combine Autogun on ep2_outland_09 not dealing damage
  • Fixed physgun beam not being removed on drop
  • Fixed server workshop addons redownloading even if user is already subscribed to that addon
  • Fixed GM:StartChat return value leaving chat visible on super widescreen resolutions
  • Fixed a crash issue with Entity:SetBodygroup and Player:ExitVehicle
  • Fixed Entity:AddCallback( "PhysicsCollide", ... ) for vehicles not being triggered without a driver
  • Fixed a Lua state corruption issue which caused some functions to randomly disappear
  • Fixed Entity:GetHitBoxCount crashing the game when called with an invalid value


  • Removed CLuaParticle:VelocityDecay
  • Removed FCVAR_CHEAT flag from cl_drawhud
  • Removed addons.txt and gamemodes.txt as they were not used
  • Removed lua\includes\util\entity_creation_helpers.lua
  • Removed lua\functiondump.lua
  • Removed InjectConsoleCommand & InjectCommandAutocomplete
  • Removed Entity.GetNetworkedVar & Entity.SetNetworkedVar
  • Removed GetGlobalVar & SetGlobalVar