+vgui_drawtree now requires sv_cheats just like vgui_drawtree 1/0 does
Force OS Specific binary module load errors to English
Sandbox spawning and entity variable editing bypasses IsAdmin checks in singleplayer, so mods cannot accidentally interfere with basic Sandbox functionality
Some changes towards fixing/narrowing down the CSoundPatch update crash
Changed NPC:NavSetGoalTarget - second argument defaults to 0,0,0, sets correct goal type for the path
Added CLuaLocomotion:GetDesiredSpeed
Added CLuaLocomotion:GetGroundNormal
Added math.SnapTo (Community Contribution)
Added icons and select fields for DProperty_Combo (Community Contribution)
Added Entity:GetSequenceVelocity
Made Entity:GetSequenceMoveDist shared
ServerLog global now obeys sv_logecho convar
Save cookies on Lua state shutdown to prevent data loss when disconnecting
Render library underflow warnings are now non halting Lua errors
Clamped PhysObj:SetMass to safe values (0-50000] to prevent crazy physics
CreateConVar/AddConsoleCommand globals now ErrorNoHalt when command creation fails, instead of silently failing
Can no longer create concmmands/convars with blocked names
Made Player:GetPlayerInfo shared
Added snd_buildcache to blocked command list
Entity:DropToFloor now checks if the entity is inside world geometry - if it is, do not drop to floor. Should help with stuff ending up underground in certain places, such as NPCs on displacements.
Fixed crashes with certain Vehicle functions when used on unsupported vehicles
Fixed PhysObj:SetInertia causing unexpected zero-G behaviour when used on frozen physics objects or with invalid values
Fixed cam.End crashing when used without cam.Start first (will throw Lua error)
Try to end cam.Start calls that are left unended each frame (will display warnings in console when this happens)
Fixed CNavLadder & CNavArea's Lua objects not becoming null after removal, causing crashes
Fixed Material() not being able to access gamemodes/ folder
Added string = util.FilterText( input, context, player )
Added TEXT_FILTER_ enums
Added safeguards to DownloadUGC when Steam sends us a null SteamUGCQueryCompleted_t
Add OS specific errors to binary module loading errors
Implemented Steam chat filter to the default chat box (profanity filter is toggleable in the Filters section of the default chatbox, Steam preferences apply)
Spawnmenu search now resets its model cache when addons/games are remounted
surface.DrawLine now uses floats not integers
"Stop Persisting" property will now also be hidden when persistence is disabled
Make it more clear that changing sbox_persist while in-game will cleanup the map
Do not clean up map when disabling persistence
Reduce Faceposer tool's convar count to 96 (from 128) to match the actual limit in the engine
Fixed 2 server lag exploits with default properties
Fixed "join game" not showing up in Steam for P2P games after a changelevel
Fixed a stack overflow with DListView and columns inserted at specific positions
Fixes a server crash with no collide constraint.
Fixed DTextEntry's automatic line breaks causing an infinite loop hang with specially formatted text containing a lot of whitespace
Fixed GM:PlayerAmmoChanged reporting incorrect new ammo count when called from Player:GiveAmmo
Prisoner pod and chair vehicles now react to damage physically, driver takes explosion damage, calls GM:EntityTakeDamage hook
Potential fix for crash relating to env_microphone's measure target entity
Potential fix for a crash within CFontTextureRegen
Fixed GMODLUA_GetUserType leaking onto the Lua stack (this only affects binary modules and the type() function, when using custom userdata types)
Fixed changing persistence in-game saving to the wrong file if the cvar changed too quickly within the 2 second timer
Disabling hoverballs now adjusts their mass so they are not abnormally heavy when disabled, improved duplicator support for the disabled state
Downgrade Steamworks SDK to 1.50 as the newer version was causing issues